Friday, October 24, 2008

Balancing Better

I find that one of the greatest challenges in my life is balancing. Perhaps that is why I enjoy yoga so much. I'm fairly good at tree pose and when I raise my foot to my thigh and put my hands in prayer position, I finally feel balanced, centered. That and the 10 minute nap at the end of class. Yet as soon as I step that foot off the yoga mat, the to-do list comes rushing back.

In the next month I'll be handling a conference for 400 lawyers, an expo for 4,000 actors, an all-day affair for 150 women executives, and a move from two apartments into one. In addition, I'm helping my significant other with his ongoing grad school applications, my singing group with their fundraising and promotional efforts and following up on proposals I've just finished for spring events.

I take breaks from these work efforts by thinking about trick-or-treating with my niece, and planning a reunion of friends at my sister's home in Pennsylvania and upcoming trips to New Orleans, Barcelona and Denver. But this just means that the brain is still churning! Perhaps I should take up meditation. Or medication?

What do you think? Any ideas? How do you get balanced and centered?


  1. Ginger, this is GREAT! I'm so excited for you and I will definitely be avidly following the tales of Ginger Donnan! Congrats on sending your boomerang out into the world :-)

  2. I'll dive in with a blog congrats and your first comment to this post:
    When something makes me frazzled it's easy to keep adding things to my mind that throw it further off balance. Then I forget what started the initial imbalance. In these cases I STOP and ask myself "ok, what was the concern that initially started all this that you didn't have time to address at the start." Usually it was something small that I can talk myself out of worrying about it. Then, everything else feels more balanced after that. Silly, maybe, but it works for me.

  3. Balanced? Centered? I don't think I have ever experienced either much less both. I would like to though so please let me know what you find :-)

  4. Anonymous said...
    wine :) -deidre

    October 28, 2008 8:13 AM

    And CHEESE!!! :)
