Monday, June 22, 2009

Kudos to Seth Godin

One of Seth Godin's blog posts last week was named "Spectacles" and he wasn't talking about glasses. He was talking about events.

Putting aside the negative connotation of the term, this statement struck me:

"People love them. We generally agree we don't have them often enough. What if you started one?"

My answer: If half of the people who read Seth Godin's blog got involved in one charitable fundraiser - say, volunteering at the event for four hours or donating two Yankees seats to the silent auction - they would raise over $1 million.

Thanks for the call to action, Seth!

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant, Ginger! You're demonstrating the power of blogs & social media, picking up on one of the most-followed bloggers and EXPANDING his idea to become your own.
